I am fully committed to merengues as a household staple. I believe that I have now made them weekly for a month? The minute I eat the last one in the container.... I just start to whip up some egg whites for a fresh batch. The recipe isn't wholly different from the peppermint merengues that I made over Christmas... the difference is that I discovered the magic of dipping them in chocolate. I didn't stop there either. I started to then dip them in nuts and shredded chocolate. And then just this past weekend, I mixed some peanut butter into the chocolate and that was delightful too. Here are the iterations I've done: (1) regular peppermint merengue (2) coconut merengue dipped in chocolate (3) coconut merengue double dipped in chocolate and then sea salt pistachio or shredded coconut (4) almond extract flavored merengue dipped in chocolate peanut butter (5) vanilla extract flavored merengue dipped in sea salt pistachio And if I'm being honest, I've got ......
I believe I first saw this recipe on Instagram back in the Fall. I was immediately enchanted by the idea of "moon milk" and had to know more. After reading the Bon Appetit description , I was sold. I love sleep and this promises more sleep. While I had all the spices at my disposal, it did take me a little bit to get the last ingredient: ashwagandha. Whole Foods does sell several different options but I held off for a sale to save a few extra dollars. The recipe calls for ashwagandha powder but you can also just open one supplement pill like I did. Turns out one pill is exactly the amount called for in this recipe. I have now made this 3 times and enjoyed it more each night. The first night that I drank this milk before bed I slept over nine hours.  1st batch = made it a little too hot and wasn't patient enough to let it cool 2nd batch = perfect temperature 3rd batch = good temperature again... and I actually strained the hot milk to remove some of th......
I haven't stopped talking about how good this chili / soup is. It is so good that I even bought more lentils at Whole Foods yesterday. That should be a clear testament to the gold star status. Each year for Christmas my sister and I make new recipes for my grandfather as presents. In the past I've made some other low sodium or otherwise inspired meals. 2018 was a delicious turkey posole  inspired by his love of San Diego. 2017 was a chickpea tomato soup . It was so long ago that I forgot I made that soup and almost made it again quite recently. Time flies when you are having fun apparently. I will absolutely be making this soup again soon. I treat it like a chili and there is nothing bad about enjoying some melted cheddar cheese in the winter. While it is great as a vegetarian option, I think you could easily some ground turkey or chicken to the base if you feel that is needed. I'll pretty much be using it as a way to trick myself into eating lentils. here you go......