my new christmas ornaments

If you want to unnecessarily get people excited, tell them you need child-safe ornaments on your Christmas tree. The real story is that sweet Ginger Rose wagged her tail just right to sling one off the tree and shatter it against the table.

I knew time was ticking a bit on the ornaments I made in 2015. They are glass balls and by some miracle they made it four years without shattering one. But - I have more kids running around here these days and it was time for a change.

I like making things myself instead of buying them. Plus, then I don't feel bad when I want something different. There is limited emotional attachment to those 60 glass ornaments from 2015. Sure I do remember making them and having fun and then letting my family each make a couple - but it wasn't like I was on a special vacation and bought an ornament. For some perspective, here is the history of prior trees:
When it came time to make the ornaments this year I did a little research for some options that I thought I could pull off with yarn, balls, or fabric. But I wasn't in love with any of them. Then I stumbled upon some wooden bead ornaments on Etsy that had a Scandinavian vibe... and loved them. Thankfully Amazon Prime delivered me a whole pile of beads the next day and I was in business.

I love how neutral the ornaments and how they are all different from each other. I used every single one of my 500 beads.

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