Man it's been a long time since I popped in over here. Since October lots of things have happened in the house since then. I hosted Thanksgiving dinner. I put up a bunch of Christmas trees. I took down a bunch of Christmas trees months after Christmas. I shoveled a bunch of snow. Other things happened of course.
But at this point, it has been about 6 months since I rather informally and non-ceremoniously moved into my house project. Since that point, I haven't realllly taken on any new projects. I stopped buying things and searching for the perfect pillows and rugs and bowls and frames. I did spend a whole lot of time looking at faux fiddle leaf figs but I'll save that for another post.
I feel incredibly lucky that I have the time to think about decisions and not be rushed into them. So I've been pondering the garage project and what would be best. Ultimately, I've really spent the last couple months moving slowly on things and watching back seasons of Survivor on Amazon Prime Video.
That being said, the prior weekly post series was incredibly helpful in keeping me on track. I might have to bring it back to a degree but from a more macro level and not weekly. I really like crossing things off the list.
So here's what we've got on the radar for hopefully the next couple months. I am by no means planning to tackle all of this myself. I am not an electrician, nor am I interested in fixing pocket doors. Those (and others) will outsourced to professionals. I could have made this list a whole lot longer if I included more decorative items, but these are the "top of mind" items.
Small Projects:
- electrical socket in the coat closet to plug in the vacuum
- rearrange cellar boxes + donate what isn't needed + transfer to plastic storage
- swap out the broken exterior light with the fixed one
Medium Projects:
- blinds in some windows
- finish repairing the brown leather chair
- pocket doors need adjusting
- one of the main stairwell steps seems weak
Bigger Projects:
- veggie garden setup
- screen in the front porch
- add a second granite step to the front porch
- install generator
- paneling in the upstairs hall bathroom
But at this point, it has been about 6 months since I rather informally and non-ceremoniously moved into my house project. Since that point, I haven't realllly taken on any new projects. I stopped buying things and searching for the perfect pillows and rugs and bowls and frames. I did spend a whole lot of time looking at faux fiddle leaf figs but I'll save that for another post.
I feel incredibly lucky that I have the time to think about decisions and not be rushed into them. So I've been pondering the garage project and what would be best. Ultimately, I've really spent the last couple months moving slowly on things and watching back seasons of Survivor on Amazon Prime Video.
That being said, the prior weekly post series was incredibly helpful in keeping me on track. I might have to bring it back to a degree but from a more macro level and not weekly. I really like crossing things off the list.
So here's what we've got on the radar for hopefully the next couple months. I am by no means planning to tackle all of this myself. I am not an electrician, nor am I interested in fixing pocket doors. Those (and others) will outsourced to professionals. I could have made this list a whole lot longer if I included more decorative items, but these are the "top of mind" items.
Small Projects:
- electrical socket in the coat closet to plug in the vacuum
- rearrange cellar boxes + donate what isn't needed + transfer to plastic storage
- chair + cushion for the upstairs master deck
- cut the bathroom shelf in half so it fits the trash can
- fix the front and back storm doors --> installed but keep breaking. ugh.- swap out the broken exterior light with the fixed one
Medium Projects:
- blinds in some windows
- finish repairing the brown leather chair
- pocket doors need adjusting
- one of the main stairwell steps seems weak
Bigger Projects:
- veggie garden setup
- screen in the front porch
- add a second granite step to the front porch
- install generator
- paneling in the upstairs hall bathroom
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